14 april 2022


Maybe it's the high prices of food at the markets all over Haiti that results in seeing more children and mothers with malnutrition. And because of that more diseases like TB and more problems with breastfeeding baby's. 

Like this little tiny babygirl. 6 weeks old. Her mother has 9 children and never had a problem with giving breastmilk until now.

It seems that not eating enough resulted in low production of breastmilk.

I tried a little bottle with babyformula and look at her eyes. Wide open. She drank the whole thing!

Hoge voedselprijzen op de markten leiden tot ondervoeding, toename van ziektes zoals TB en problemen met voldoende productie van borstvoeding.

Zoals dit kleine meisje van 6 weken. Moeder heeft 9 kinderen en nooit eerder problemen gehad met borstvoeding. Tot nu. 

Ik probeerde een klein flesje met babymelk. Ogen wijd open. Ze dronk alles op!