15 augustus 2022

About dogs in Haiti - over honden in Haiti

Dogs are very underrated and underappreciated in Haiti. They have to live of the food they find under the table or on the ground.

Little children are taught to kick dogs and to throw rocks at them. The way we (foreigners) treat dogs makes most Haitians laugh at us.

So we had 7 puppies. 4 died of poison. I took the other 3 home and took care of them. What a joy to see them get better and see them grow. For the first time during my more than 20 years of living in Haiti I bought dogfood. 

When I work during the they at the hospital, I take the dogs with me to do a follow up on them. They stay outside but I can see them.

The Haitians might think I am crazy but I keep telling them that dogs are creatures too and the Lord wants us people to take care of them too.  All creatures. Although cockroaches......

Honden worden enorm ondergewaardeerd door de Haitianen. De manier waarop wij (buitenlanders) met honden omgaan is erg lachwekkend voor hen.

Kleine kinderen leren al vroeg om honden te schoppen en om stenen naar ze te gooien. Eten geven doen ze niet echt. De honden moeten de kruimels zoeken op de grond en met name onder de tafel.

Van de 7 puppies zijn er 4 dood door gif. De resterende 3 heb ik in huis genomen en hen verzorgd. Ze doen het goed en dat geeft me veel vreugde.

ik denk dat het de bedoeling is om alle dieren in de schepping goed te verzorgen. Alhoewel kakkerlakken.....