19 mei 2022

Childless - kinderloos

 This woman is married for 21 years. Her husband had 1 child at the time  She still has no children of her own.

In the meantime her husband has 15 children with 9 women. 8 of those children are raised by the woman in the picture. She got the kids when they were like 12 months old. The father would take them away from the biological mother and give them to his wife. Still her husband and her family humiliate her, despise her, see her as no value because she didn"t give birth to a baby herself.

A lot of women in Haiti are experiencing the same thing. The pressure of becoming pregnant is huge. Maybe that's why they wait with marriage until they are pregnant. It's less stressful than getting married and trying to get pregnant within 6 months.

Even if women can have children we see the psychological results of stress causing them to have difficulty becoming pregnant.  Once they had their first child the pressure is gone and they have kids one after another.

By the way this woman still wants to have a child with her husband. I told her if it was me I would run......

Deze vrouw is meer dan 21 jaar getrouwd.  Destijds had haar man één kind. 
Zij zelf heeft nog steeds geen kinderen gebaart en wordt herhaaldelijk vernederd door haar man en familie.
Tussentijds heeft haar man 15 kinderen met 9 vrouwen.
8 daarvan heeft hij bij de biologische moeders weggehaald en aan zijn vrouw gegeven toen de kinderen 12 maanden oud waren.
En tòch blijft hij haar vernederen.

De stress om zwanger te worden is groot in Haiti. Met name als de vrouw binnen 6 maanden na trouwen  nog niet zwanger is.
Psychologisch heeft dit een enorm effect op de vrouw. Als men eenmaal bevallen is dan komen de kinderen vlot na elkaar omdat de druk eraf is.

Deze vrouw wil nog steeds zwanger raken van deze man...